Davy’s First Shift art and objects
Let's get messy with soap. Into a bowl, grate a bar of soap. Tear up some toilet paper. Mix with the soap. Add warm water and mix with hands, a spoon, or whisk. What does it feel/ look/ smell like?

Bring this bar of soap used in the pit head baths of Boldon Colliery to life by touching, smelling, and even using some soap to get yourself clean. This bar of soap is pink, what colour is yours?
Using whatever you can find at home try and dress up like a miner. Look at this sculpture to give you ideas.

Bring this 'Miner & Sons' sculpture made of bronze by South Shields artist Bob Olley to life. Touch something made of metal to feel what bronze might feel like. Hold something very heavy (with help) to feel the weight of this sculpture. Run your hands and fingers over yours and or someone else's face to feel the faces of the miners.
Let's play "I spy". I spy something bright, what is it? I spy something that cuts, what is it? I spy something that chops, what is it? I spy something that bangs, what is it?

Bring this painting 'Timbering Up', by the South Shields artist Bob Olley to life. Touch some wood to feel the timber the miners are sawing. Get a flashlight and shine it on the wall in the dark to experience the lights on the helmets. Find a metal bowl and put it on your head to feel the miners protective gear. Run your fingers over the spines on a comb or brush to feel what a saw is like. If you have a hammer at home, ask your adult to show you so you can feel it. If not, use a plastic cup and bang it on a book to see what hammering is like.
Are these wooden shoes comfortable to wear? Trace your feet on paper and design a pair of shoes to fit. Are they soft or hard? Stick on materials you like to give your shoes texture.

Bring this Pair of shower clogs from Mainsforth Colliery to life. Touch some smooth wood to feel the bottom of the clog. Touch some leather to feel the straps.