King Coal

Booking Enquiry

Historical events, people & places in their own locality. Understanding the world. Expressive arts

Davey's first shift



Booking Information

Maximum 30 children per session

Workshop length: Full day £220

Booking essential

If you would like to make an on-line enquiry for this workshop please complete the enquiry form, or if you wish to speak with Leslie in the learning team to discuss your visit please call: 0191 2115596

Workshop Summary

This workshop gives children the opportunity to explore the theme of coal mining through paintings and objects from the museum collection.  Through a range of sensory activities that support mental wellbeing. Children will gain skills in observation, develop their creative vocabulary through discussion and poetry writing, learn slow-looking techniques and develop their artistic abilities. The sensory aspects of this workshop makes it especially good for groups with SEND or PMLD learners and can be tailored for individual needs.

This workshop is suitable for KS1, KS2 and SEND

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